Donate to the Aspen Wildfire Foundation
Fire mitigation takes a village, not a department, to make a difference.
Your contribution will help us engage the community in unified wildfire preparedness and break ground on priority projects throughout the district. Donations will also help leverage grant funding, as most grants require "matching funds" to receive an award.
Please send checks to:
Aspen Wildfire Foundation
420 E Hopkins Ave.
Aspen, CO 81611
Wire Transfer:
Contact for wire transfer routing information. Thank you!
Your contribution may qualify as a tax-deductible gift under IRS code and regulations, EIN 93-3769620. In accordance with IRS code and regulations, no goods or services can be provided in exchange for your gift.
Although a check or wire transfer is preferred, as it helps us keep our fees to a minimum, you may also donate via credit card by scrolling to the section below.
Please contact Ali Hammond, Director of Community Wildfire Resilience, with any questions: